Mr. Mahesh Kosta


Smt. Neelam Tiwari


It is said that nature is the best teacher. It teaches us survival of the fittest and nourishes us in all aspects. Nature has endowed us with incredible assets like, biodiversity and natural resources. The conservation of these assets has become need of the time. It’s our responsibility to leave this planet in better shape for the future generation than we found it.

On this call of nature, Nature Club FAMT with a noble cause, is formed and inaugurated on February 27, 2016 in presence of the chief guest Dr. P.R Chandra Principal and other dignitaries. Nature Club is indeed a dedicated program to create awareness among the students, faculty and staff about nature and related issues. Nature club is the convergence of nature lovers, from various departments of FAMT to promote, monitor and operate the environmental and sustainable activities in the society, starting from college campus with the novel objectives of facilitating the skill development for environmental protection, promoting environmental awareness among all sections of society, spreading environmental education among students.

Objectives -

To sensitize, motivate and educate students and staff about environment conservation To create awareness among society about environment and related issues. Organizing activities to reduce pollution in the district. Encouraging efforts to protect and conserve biodiversity in vicinage. Executing small scale projects within the campus. Contributing in environment awareness and conservation drives in collaboration with regional nature clubs and institutes.


भारतीय वांग्मय में जैव विविधता (17 Oct 2022)

दिनांक 17 अक्टूबर 2022 दिन सोमवार को नचिकेता महाविद्यालय के नेचर क्लब द्वारा *भारतीय संस्कृति में जैव विविधता का महत्त्व* विषय पर व्याख्यान आयोजित किया गया।व्याख्यान में मुख्य अतिथि के रुप में वनस्पति शास्त्र की प्राध्यापक एवं विज्ञान विभाग अध्यक्ष डी .एन. जैन महाविद्यालय से *डॉ. अर्चना पांडेय* रही ।उन्होंने मुख्य अतिथि की आसंदी से संबोधित करते हुए कहा कि "जैव विविधता पृथ्वी पर मौजूद जीवन की विविधता और परिवर्तनशीलता को दर्शाते हैं । पृथ्वी पर मौजूद सूक्ष्मातिसूक्ष्म जीव फफूद से लेकर विशालकाय जीव तक की उपस्थिति जैव विविधता का अंग है ।

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Nachiketa College of Computer Science, Commerce & Advanced Technology